syntax statement

英 [ˈsɪntæks ˈsteɪtmənt] 美 [ˈsɪntæks ˈsteɪtmənt]

网络  语法语句



  1. All IBM designers continue to use the smart multi-line editors that provide syntax colorization and statement completion.
  2. The parser selected in the Validate statement syntax list has no effect on semantic validation.
  3. Holding the mouse pointer over a syntax error like this brings up a hover tip describing the problem; in this case, it indicates that it is an incomplete statement requiring a semicolon.
  4. New syntax for disabling an index for foreign key constraint was added to use with the ALTER statement.
  5. Receive and verify the syntax of the SQL statement.
  6. The selection in the Validate statement syntax list determines the parser that is used.
  7. If so, the if statement executes a syntax off; otherwise it executes a syntax enable.
  8. Options are provided to check the syntax of the SQL defining the view as well as to test the execution of this statement.
  9. When the syntax of an SQL statement is fully known at compile time, the statement is referred to as static SQL.
  10. Editor features include syntax highlighting, SQL formatting, content assist, statement parsing and validation, and semantic validation.
  11. PureQuery follows the rules for parameter marker syntax to determine how SQL statement parameters are mapped from the declared parameters in the annotated method's parameter list.
  12. This provides the ability to simply check the syntax or test execute the SQL statement provided in the view definition.
  13. This is in contrast to Oracle syntax where the CREATE INDEX statement provides an option to specify in which table space the index will reside.
  14. The basic syntax for an include statement that uses an xpointer attribute is
  15. At a high level, you see the familiar "update set. where" syntax of an SQL UPDATE statement.
  16. By using XML tags within the policy, you can modify text, add text to the utility syntax statement, or remove text from it.
  17. If you prefer, you can stop syntax validation by selecting No validation in the Validate statement syntax list.
  18. Next, you reviewed the SQL syntax for the INSERT statement and saw examples of how to use this statement to insert data into a Derby database.
  19. Using SQL syntax, you can construct a statement that extracts records according to criteria you specify.
  20. A syntax tree can be created from an entire file or just a loose statement or expression.
  21. Montague's PTQ system eventually completes the work of formalizing natural language through three parts, namely building a syntax about part of English statement system;
  22. Action: Check the syntax of the statement and use column names only where appropriate.
  23. Action: Check the statement's syntax, especially references to column names, and retry the statement.
  24. Acts as the predicate is "X" most important, the most basic syntax function, but its verb overriding is weak, the statement is strong.
  25. This paper introduces the object-oriented approach to the analysis of the syntax structure of SELECT statement of SQL, and generalizes the object-oriented model based on the class of expression.
  26. An Ambiguous Syntax Analysis Algorithm Based on Mathematical Statement
  27. Using syntax of IMP, the operational semantics of repeat-until loop statement is given first, then the denotational semantics of repeat-until loop statement is deduced, and finally the equivalence of them is proved in detail.
  28. This thesis designed an abstract syntax tree based on statement for software reverse engineering.
  29. The lexical analysis uses the advanced search method while the syntax analysis adopts the top-down recursive descent parsing. Furthermore, we give some sample codes, arithmetical statement and the design of related classes.